Connecting your POS is a piece of cake
Doshii integrates with the hospitality industry’s leading POS systems.
- Square
- Lightspeed
- Impos
- OrderMate
- Bepoz
- Idealpos
- SwiftPOS
- NewOolio
- H&L
- Eposnow
- Coming soonAbacus
- Micros Simphony
- Coming soonGaP Solutions
- SplitAbility
Can’t see yours on the list? Reach out and we’ll get it sorted.
How Doshii works
Frequently asked questions
What is Doshii?
How does Doshii work?
Who does Doshii serve/what kind of businesses use Doshii?
Which point of sale software (POS) does Doshii integrate with?
Some of the information provided on this page has been sourced from app providers who partner with Doshii. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and timely information, there is no guarantee that this information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future.